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Snir Nakar

About the Workshop |

Modern dance workshop with motifs of release and pushing, variable rate, presence of body vortoes. The workshop consists of exercises containing challenging elements, corner exercises including floor technique and jumps. In the final part of the workshop I will teach a section from the ALFA creation that I created in 2016.

Date and Location |



DCC Studio 2, 35 st. Shaul Hame'elch, Tel-Aviv

About the Artist |

His first experience with dance was with Miriam Kofman. His professional career began with the dance company "Kamea". He was later accepted to the Vertigo Dance Company, where he danced for two years and took part in the works of "Mana", "White Noise" and "The Birth of the Phoenix".
Later he worked with the choreographers Barak Marshall, Anat Katz and Erez Maayan, Rachel Erdos, Idan Cohen, Dafi Altbab, Irad Mazliach, Noa Dar, Nadar Rosano, Goshen Theater and danced for about a year in the Inbal Dance Company.
In August 2016, he performed in the Suzanne Dellal Center's 'Short Dancing' production and presented his work 'ALFA' - a solo that deals with masculinity. The work was performed at the Gay Center in Tel Aviv, the Inbal Dance Theater and in Stuttgart (Germany).
In July 2017, Snir was chosen to create choreography for the TMUNA Intimadance Festival and created the solo "TEATIME" - a work that deals with the subject of old age by Zvika Fishzon. This year he was re-elected and created for the Festival "Intimadance 2018" the piece "Open the Door". Today, Snir is completing his BA studies and teaching certificate in dance at the "Kibbutzim College of Education", Where he took part in a project where he created together with Polish dancers a work called Skyscrapers.

A movie/book that inspires you |

Movie - Center Stage

A Quote that accompanies you |

If there is will everything is possible!

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