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DCC Online

With ZOOM app

According to CoronaVirus

Nominal cost

DCC Online

Dear customers,

The Coronavirus crisis has caught us all in a different situation from what we have become accustomed to and the reality these days is forcing us to find new ways to deal with the crisis in order to keep moving.

Accordingly, we want to tell you about an online classes schedule we created specifically for you!

We have recruited the best of our teachers and guest teachers to teach dance classes through the free ZOOM app and they teach them live.

The classes are in nominal cost!

15 NIS per class (except workshops)

160 NIS for VIP membership - unlimited online classes for May 2020.


So how does it works?

1. Download the ZOOM app.

2. Sign up for the app for free and create your own username.

3. Choose the class you want to do from the list above.

4. Enter the password (currently unified password for all classes and free!) - DCC_ONLINE

You can also wait for the class host's approval.

5. Dance!


* Please note, the club is not responsible for any internet connection problems that may be to the teacher or / and the class host or participants.

** Warm up or / and stretch before class is essential.

*** The classes are adapted to the home environment and do not include jumps and elements that may injure the body.

**** Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club or / and class host or teacher is not responsible for attending participants after the warm-up time devoted to the class and in accordance with injuries which may be caused by improper performance of elements at home or lack of warm up.


So what are you waiting for ???

Click on the classs to open its link

Online Teachers

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